Service Times
Sunday Mornings
- 9:00 - 10:00 First Worship Service and Early Life Groups
First Worship Service - In the Family Life Center (FLC)
Nursery & Sunday School - For children of all ages (FLC).
Youth "Breakfast Club" - Life Group (Original Building, Auditorium)
"Upper Room" - Bible Study (Education Building).
"The Good Fight" - Young Couples and Parents of Elementary Kids (FLC, Adult 1)
"19 to 99" - Adult Bible Study (FLC Adult 2)
"Newly Married" - (Upstairs, in the Original Building Original Building)
- 10:30 - 11:30 Second Worship Service and Later Life Groups
Second Worship Service - In Family Life Center (FLC)
Nursery & Children’s Church - (2nd & 3rd/4th & 5th classrooms in FLC)
"Devoted" - (FLC, Adult 1)
"Inductive Bible Study" - (FLC, Adult 2)
Wednesday Nights
Wednesday Night Dinners are in the Family Life Center from 5:00 - 5:45. (Please call the church office at 772-283-8306 to make reservations.)
Dinner @ 5:00
Youth 6:00-8:00
Children’s Ministry 6:00-7:30
Adult Studies 6:00-7:00/7:30