Corporate praise and worship is more than a preliminary to preaching. It is not a part of a program or a ritual. It is not a performance or a showcase of musical talent. Worship is our response to who God is and to what He’s done and is expressed through the attitude of our hearts, the words we say, and through lives of obedience. At Covenant Fellowship we, the singers and musicians of this church, have an awesome responsibility. We are more than just a worship team - we are worship leaders. Our actions, obedience, and love for God enables us to be used by God to lead others to worship and praise. When the Body of Christ begins to worship, our hearts are then prepared to hear from God. It is the desire of our worhship leaders to be used of the Lord to sing His praises, and to do so under the leading and the power of the Holy Spirit, that we and others might be changed and made more like Him. The Bible teaches us that worship is not just what happens while the music is playing on Sunday Mornings; worship is the way we live as children of God.
At Covenant Fellowship, we look at our entire Sunday Morning as a worship service. We worship God in the way we love one another and share our lives (even over coffee and donuts). We worship by looking out for those who are new and those who are hurting. We worship through teaching classes, serving in the nursery, or taking down chairs. We worship through giving, singing, and hearing the Word of God with the intent to put what we learn into practice. All of this happens as we're together on Sunday mornings, and it prepares us to live a life of worship throughout the week.