Women's Ministry
We hope to lead women to a deeper walk with Christ, to lead women to worship Him in all areas of their lives – as co-workers, as moms, as wives, as friends, in every relationship – to love God with all of our hearts, our souls, and our minds. We have nothing to offer this world apart from the Love we find in Him, and the more we get to know Him, the more we grow to love Him, and the more the world is impacted for Him.
We serve a real, authentic, relational, amazing God. He made us to be in relationship with Him, and to be in relationship with others. We believe in discipleship relationships, in friendships that shape us into women who change the world for Him. We desire to see women, of all ages, in all aspects of their lives, loving God by loving others, and taking risks with other women through deeper friendships -- friendships that are more than chit chats over coffee. If you are looking for such a relationship, we have women ready to walk with you as you journey deeper with Jesus.
We know that God places each of us in different places in the “world” and He does this so we can reach the world for Him. We are teachers, stay at home moms, PTA members, retirees, dancers, crafters, college students, fitness instructors, business women, social workers, runners, book club members, team moms, musicians – we are these and so much more. Through each of us, God has plans to serve the world with His great love, in every area of our lives. We desire to equip each of you to serve in the areas He has for you, in order that together we might impact the world for eternity and for God's glory.
Bible Studies:
Tuesday Mornings
📖 This fall, we will be diving into the book of James, through David Platt's wonderful guidebook "Exalting Jesus In James (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary)". Starting on September 17, we will move our study to Adult Room 2, from 9:30-11:30 AM where we’ll meet regularly to unpack and discuss the Word together. Whether you’re new to Bible study or have been attending for years, this is a wonderful opportunity to grow in your understanding of Scripture and build meaningful relationships with other women in our church.
🚼 All women are warmly invited to join us for this enriching experience. Please note that chiildcare will not be provided during these sessions. We look forward to journeying through the book of James together and seeing how God will work in our hearts and lives during this time.
Wednesday Nights
Join us on Wednesday nights as we explore the “acceptable” sins that we tend to tolerate in ourselves, including pride, selfishness, and anger. Together we will learn to get to the heart of the matter, prompting an attitude of repentance as we also seek to discover the depths of God’s forgiveness and grace. This study will follow the book Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges and will be facilitated by Hannah Rogers and Jenn Wiggins. This group is for all ages of women and we encourage you to invite your friends. Everyone will need to purchase their own book. Link to purchase book https://a.co/d/5CttoDw
SECOND MOMS 6:00-7:30pm (Education Building)
This class is for any second moms who are foster, adoptive, or interested in becoming one. The class will be led by Bethany McLaughlin, and will be using the book, Reclaiming Compassion, by Lisa Qualls. Come shed your shame and renew your hope as we encourage one another to overcome blocked care. This time will refresh us in God’s purpose for us as mothers and remind us we are not alone.